- Support the MMIRA Annual Conference to provide a forum at various locations worldwide for scholars, students, practitioners, policymakers, citizens, and other stakeholders to come together and share their international and interdisciplinary problems, perspectives, findings, and solutions.
- Advance a commitment to inclusiveness that seeks to facilitate dialogue among diverse scholars and different perspectives about research.
- Offer mentoring services for researchers and students seeking to learn the "how-to's" of conducting mixed methods research, including information on publishing and funding.
- Provide members with discounted access to the Journal of Mixed Methods Research.
- Support teaching and mentoring within the field of mixed methods research through offering research-rich pedagogical materials (syllabi, handouts) to facilitate the teaching and learning of mixed methods research.
- Provide a website for information on the latest developments on conferences and publications in the field of mixed methods research as well as training materials for novice and seasoned researchers, information on online courses, and links to other websites that offer open access materials on mixed methods research topics.